1. Introduction
Formula nutrition was developed under the hypothesis that humans wouldn’t actually need natural food, but only it’s containing chemicals and elements, ideally in a fragmented form. It’s a prime example of allopathic naive reductionism, a perversion of nature that turned out to cause death and disease.
“An ever-increasing proportion of the food we eat is no longer food but is now a conglomerate of high-priced chemistry experiments designed to simulate food.” -Paul Stitt – Beating the Food Giants
Article: “In most cases, major health problems prevalent in the 1970s have been addressed and improved. But when it comes to Protein-Energy Malnutrition, the continuing high prevalence across all settings and hefty economic burden (>USD$156 billion per annum) at first appears to suggest that medicine and medical nutrition therapy may have failed to achieve any significant improvement in the past 40 years.”
“One of the largest pockets of unrecognized malnutrition in America and Canada, too, exists, not in rural slums or urban ghettos, but in the private rooms and wards of big city hospitals.“
-Dr. Butterworth, Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
2. Toxicity
Formula has side effects like diarrhea, constipation, nausea, fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness, bloating, mood swings, edemas, eczema, acne, shortness of breath, irregular heart beat, bone and kidney diseases, acidosis, dysbiosis, tooth decay, SIDS and unintentional weight loss, that's why neutraceuticals are supposed to be taken under medical supervision just like pharmaceuticals.
pharmakon φάρμακον:
1. medicine
2. something, that harms, poison
3. something that has inexplicable effects, potion

In the treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in Africa, children being fed the „scientific“ formula (F100) had a significant higher mortality rate than children fed High Energy Milk (dried skimmed milk, sugar, oil, without added minerals or vitamins).
JAMA discovered a concerning trend in modern research: certain synthetic vitamins are actually causing more harm than good. In 47 low-bias trials that involved over 180,000 participants, JAMA found that certain antioxidant supplements (vitamin A, vitamin E, and beta carotene) significantly increased mortality in the general population.
Article: “The difference between the {synthetic and natural vitamins], Dr. Lee said, is the difference between a nutritive and a pharmacological effect. And many early nutrition studies support this idea. In the experiment presented here, eminent nutrition scientist Dr. Agnes Fay Morgan discusses the surprising effects of “enriching” the feed of dogs on a low-vitamin-B diet with synthetic supplements. Whereas dogs with no supplementation developed the symptoms expected of a partial lack of vitamin B—fatigue, poor digestion, slowed growth—the dogs given synthetic B vitamins developed different and far more grave conditions, including progressive neuromuscular degeneration followed by paralysis and, finally, death.“
Study: “Moreover, 78% of the studied sample developed gastrointestinal complications. Vomiting was occurred in (33%) diarrhea (34.4%) constipation in (47%) increased high gastric residual volumes in (18%) of the studied sample.”
So called side effects are actually symptoms of acute or chronic poisoning.
3. Low Bioavailability
Bioavailability is a complex process involving several different stages: liberation, absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination phases.
Synthetics do not get absorbed by the body in the same way as natural vitamins because they have been “isolated”—they are separated from the entire vitamin complex and trace minerals and enzymes. What a synthetic vitamin is lacking, the body tries to make up for by itself and depletes its existing nutrients in the process. Bioequivalence is closely related to the concept of bioavailability. For some nutrients, equal absorption does not mean equal biological effects because the nutrient sources are chemically different, resulting in differences in nutrient activity.
In hospitals only blood serum levels are being tested which are antiquated and not effective in detecting nutritional deficiencies. The measured levels are deceptive as they differ from intracellular levels.
Article: “Due to this large number of thermal processes, the formulas are subject to a series of reactions that can negatively impact their quality, among them the Maillard reaction. [...] It can result in numerous consequences, such as: an unavailability of amino acids, solubility loss, increase the allergenicity of certain proteins, and even impediment of mineral absorption.“
Study: “It was evident that the sodium and potassium content of Fresubin was not high enough to guarantee normal serum values.“
Article: Trace element deficiencies in long-term tube fed patient
Article: “Only 8-12% of the typical nutritional supplements available today are actually absorbed by your body.“

4. Missing micronutrients
The April 16, 2012 issue of the journal Food Chemistry, reported that “America’s well thought of baby and infant formulas and packaged diets contain less than 20% of the required minerals and vitamins for human infants!” [Dr. Joel Wallach - Epigenetics]
Up to now 60 essential minerals and 16 essential vitamins are known. Supplemental drinks usually contain only around 27 of the most important vitamins and minerals, hardly any secondary plant substances, no enzymes or prebiotics. The complexity makes the exact size and composition of food compounds difficult to ascertain. It is believed to encompass at least 50,000 different detectable compounds but as instrument sensitivity and separation technologies improve, this number is expected to grow further.
Article: Hair loss in long-term or home parenteral nutrition: are micronutrient deficiencies to blame?
5. Trace Elements - essential or toxic?
In 1996, the WHO produced a report entitled Trace elements in human nutrition and health, which provides authoritiative recommendations about nineteen trace elements divided into three categories. These include essential elements, such as iodine and zinc, probably essential elements, such as manganese and silicon, and potentially toxic elements, such as fluoride, lead, cadmium and mercury, which may also have some essential functions at low levels. These four elements are toxic in any quantity and are not essential!
Article: “Non-essential trace metals such as Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg) and Lead (Pb) have no known essential role in living organisms; exhibit extreme toxicity even at very low (trace) exposure levels and have been regarded as the main threats to all forms of life especially human health.“
WHO 1996: “The absorption and retention of lead, cadmium and mercury are greatly enhanced in experimental animals given liquid diets as their only source of food.“
6. Microbiome
Formula damages the gut biome, causes a long-term weakened immune system and intestinal distress.
In a HUEL experiment on German television, the participants quit after four days for feeling bad.
The results: “With certain so-called good germs of the microbiota, the number has definitely gone down. That means we have an imbalance. This in turn can then possibly lead to a metabolic disorder. An important parameter indicates that the intestinal permeability, i.e. the permeability to toxins, is increased. This means that unpleasant germs can give off toxins, which in turn have to be detoxified in the liver, i.e. stress the liver.”

Article: “Food compositions can also alter the luminal environment, intestinal barrier function and gut microbiota with concomitant effect on dietary protein digestibility, peptide transport, and bioavailability.”
Study: “The stool of Malawian children with kwashiorkor was transplanted into GF mice fed a Malawi-style diet; these mice exhibited malnutrition and reduced weight gain compared with mice transplanted with the stool of healthy controls.”
Study: “In Anorexia nervosa, some authors have linked reduced bacterial diversity to more severe eating disorder symptoms as well as comorbid depression.”
In a study, an anorexic woman who failed to gain weight, received a fecal microbiota transplant from an obese woman. She then gained 6.3 kg in body weight, mostly due to a 55% increase in body fat and despite a reported stable caloric intake.
Study: „Important evidence for the hypothesized mechanism between eating disorders and the microbiota is provided by the finding that 64% of individuals with eating disorders have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. Recent studies have found that AN patients deviate from controls in the abundance, diversity and microbial composition of the fecal microbiota which remain significantly different from those of healthy controls even after refeeding. [...] risk of celiac disease was increased by 217% within the first year after AN diagnosis.“
7. Appetite killer
A myth among doctors is that you can just add on supplemental drinks to your regular diet. This misconception is derived from the simplistic assumption that digestion is nothing but the splitting up of food into its constituents. In fact it's not possible to replicate the complex process of digestion in vitro.
The heavy and bloated feeling, the many GI issues is testimony formula is actually hard to handle for the body, gives you false satiety cues, and unsuitable for weight gain. Predigested proteins are believed to act as an appetite suppressant, which is related to the bitter taste, delayed gastric emptying and some hormonal processes or its toxicity.
One study examined how tube feeding with/without fiber affects feelings of satiety and hunger. The researchers' statement was that a feeling of satiety is a desired effect: “Firstly, these appetite sensations may be distressing for the patient, and secondly, they may encourage patients to consume food. Consumption of food could result in a reduction in the efficacy of the enteral formula where it is being used as a primary therapy.”
For these reasons the same drinks are marketed for weight loss as well.
Some more “health conscious” brands that avoid high-fructose corn syrup use instead for carbohydrates maltodextrin (or refined corn starch). There is no single health benefit of this replacement. For a sweet taste artificial sweeteners are added, which are highly neurotoxic.
Sweet but poison: “Dr. H. J. Roberts stated in his lectures that once free of the "diet products" and with no significant increase in exercise, his patients lost an average of 19 pounds over a trial period.”
Article: Artificial Sweeteners: Weight Gain and Other Side Effects
Article: “Since Oral Nutritional Supplements are specially formulated products, all ONS ingredients including carbohydrates are added ingredients. This may seem to be at odds with the growing public health discourse on the need to reduce added sugars in the diet. However, carbohydrate is an essential nutrient for human health and is a critical ingredient in ONS. Helping to educate patients on the value of added sugars in ONS may be useful to improve compliance with nutritional recommendations when ONS are indicated.”

9. Supplemental drinks for diabetes
Some drinks targeted to diabetics also avoid high-fructose corn syrup as an ingredient, but use hidden sugars (maltodextrin, tapioca starch) which might be just as bad or even worse. In addition artificial sweeteners are being used, too.
Article: “Our study shows that individuals with obesity who consume artificial sweeteners, particularly aspartame, may have worse glucose management than those who don't take sugar substitutes.“
Professor Jennifer Kuk, obesity researcher in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science.
Study: “At least daily consumption of diet soda [Sucralose] was associated with a 36% greater relative risk of incident metabolic syndrome and a 67% greater relative risk of incident type 2 diabetes.“
Article: “Maltodextrin has a high glycemic index, which can cause your blood sugar to spike and be highly dangerous for people with diabetes or insulin resistance. While the glycemic index of table sugar is 65, maltodextrin takes it up to 106 to 136.“
Article: “As a result, at present both ASPEN and Diabetes UK recommend against using DSFF (Diabetes Specific Formulas) in those receiving EN as an effective means to manage hyperglycemia.“

10. Unintentional weight loss
A very frequent side effect is unwanted weight loss.
In this study, a 20% casein diet led to weight and muscle gain in rats, while rats fed a diet supplemented with whey hydrolysate, concentrate or amino acids showed weight loss, even though they were consuming a larger amount of calories!
In one study the participants that were given high caloric supplemental drinks (3x266kcal), surprisingly had a significant lower weight gain (2,0kg) than participants given low-calorie supplemental drinks (3x190kcal/3,3kg).
11. Force-feeding
Doctors react skeptically to the debate surrounding the issue of force-feeding. Switching to artificial nutrition means great physical and psychological stress. A delicate matter that needs to be approached carefully. Because, according to Dr. Peter Weiss, the artificially nourished body is going back to an emergency program: from blood pressure to the functioning of white blood cells, spinal cord and thyroid gland, in fact everything changes in hunger patients.

Red Army Faction (RAF) terrorist HOLGER MEINS starved in his hunger strike down to 86 lbs, in spite of being force-fed. You never know if he would have lived without being tortured and poisoned. Michael Gaughan lost 76 lbs of body weight in 64 days of hunger strike in spite of being fore-fed.
“After visiting Michael in jail, his brother John described his condition: "His throat had been badly cut by force feeding and his teeth loosened. His eyes were sunken, his cheeks hollow and his mouth was gaping open. He weighed about six stone.“
Due to public protests the force-feeding of the Price sisters were stopped when they were close to death.
Article: ….the Price sisters’ medical records indicate a large degree of vomiting, mouth abrasions, tooth damage, and fainting attacks. Their doctors insisted that vomiting was a self-induced attempt to rid the stomach of food.“
12. Refeeding Syndrome demystified
Article: “Refeeding syndrome is a well described but often forgotten condition. No
Article: “The lack of a clear definition accounts for the difficulty of diagnosis and uncertainties in treatment. Therefore, the RFS is a potentially serious condition, often overlooked by many physicians. This is of particular concern because of the high prevalence of hospital malnutrition often underestimated even in the internal medicine wards.”
“RFS, which is potentially fatal, defined as “significant fluid and electrolyte
abnormalities pertaining to metabolic disturbances following rapid oral, enteral or parenteral refeeding in chronically undernourished patients.” The most profound
biochemical abnormality is hypophosphatemia, while other biochemical
“Clinical phosphate depletion and resultant low blood P (hypophosphatemia) results from IV administration of glucose or TPN (Total Transparental Nutrition) without P supplementation. (Dr. Wallach – Epigenetics p. 462)

A Scientific Study Discovers Problems
“In 2017, the journal Bone published a joint study from the Mayo Clinic, carried out in conjunction with Yale University. Out of 51 cases of young children who were given Nutricia Neocate as a primary food source, all but three (94%) suffered from rickets as well as dangerously low phosphate levels.“
“In 92% of the AN patients there was osteopenia (bone loss), in 38% even
osteoporosis, although 90% received estrogen therapy.”
Artificial feeding causes bone diseases in both infants and anorexics and can
be fatal for emaciated inpatients.
“Forced intravenous or tube feeding can almost always be avoided even in
severe cases, and according to the APA consensus often leads to medical
complications (fluid retention, heart failure) [...]”
Article: “Nasogastric feeding is associated with substantial physical risks, including refeeding syndrome.”
Case Report(of a 14-year-old girl with severe anorexia nervosa):„However, RFS (edema, hypoalbuminemia,
and heart failure) occurred despite careful treatment. We used albumin and diuretics for treatment of RFS, but severe liver damage resulted.“
The metabolic changes caused by starvation do exist, but for a long time doctors did not know how to deal with them and until today do not recognize the connection with artificial nutrition. RFS is also diagnosed in post-surgical parenteral nutrition (TPN) without prior starvation.
Article: 75% were identified as high-risk for refeeding syndrome before starting total parenteral nutrition.
In this lecture, the world’s #1 expert Dr. Mehler reports that until the late 80s, refeeding was started at 500 kcal and increased by 200 kcal a week. This was presently (2013) still the practice in Europe, while in Australia and Canada on the first day 3500 – 4000 kcal were delivered.

Until recently common practice used to be 5-10 kcal / kg bodyweight as a starting point, which led to further weight loss in the first week(s) ("underfeeding syndrome"), sometimes starvation death. Due to extreme hunger, calorie restriction is very harmful for anorexics.
With a carefully planned, high-fat natural diet, if necessary with supplements (phosphate, thiamine), RFS can be avoided. A study demonstrated that high calorie (1,900-2,400 kcal in the first 5 days) refeeding can be accomplished without tube feeding. One recent study of „food only“ refeeding began at 2,000 kcal/d and increased by 200 kcal/d, which shortened the hospital stay, resulting in savings of $19,056. When in 2019 the paradigm shift happened, the focus was put on the financial aspect.
Study: “The mean starting caloric intake was 2611.7 kcal/day equating to 58.4 kcal/kg. The mean length of stay was 3.6 weeks, and average weekly weight gain was 2.1 kg. No statistical significance was found between electrolytes and calories provided during refeeding.”
13. Artificial feeding for anorexia nervosa
Therapeutic approaches primarily aim for rapid weight restoration by high caloric diets and activity restriction. Most of the gained weight is body fat and water, which is very unhealthy.

Article: “This often promotes abdominal body fat gain, which potentially negatively influences the patient's compliance and increases the risk of relapse. Half of the patients had sufficiently high fat mass, despite very low BMI. Consequently, their muscle (and other organ) masses must have been extremely low.”
Study: “Adolescents recovering from AN remained protein depleted at 7 months after baseline assessment, even though they were weight restored.”
Article: “Our data suggest enteral feeding to be neither a risk factor nor beneficial for growth, recovery or persistence of AN. Enteral feeding seems to be a tightrope walk: preventing starvation in the malnourished patient confronts to leaving out his individuality and freedom. EF is not only a psychological but also a physiological challenge for the patient [...]. In our study we found a higher recovery rate in patients without enteral feeding (72%) than in patients with EN (65%). There are surprisingly few studies comparing artificial feeding, either by tube or parenterally, to oral feeding.”
Doctors are of the belief the slower weight gain of low-BMI patients is related to their weight. In fact it's related to the high-caloric feeding (rather high-caloric malnutrition).
“In comparison the patients in studies by Ramsay and Watson significantly gained weight faster (0.75 and ~ 1.2 kg / week, respectively). It is noteworthy that neither Ramsay nor Watson used high-calorie tube feeds in the treatment, but rather the patients only ate regular food.
In a study review anorexia patients fed food only had a weight change of 6.0 kg while patients fed liquid supplements and food had a weight change of only 4.3 kg.
Weight loss after discontinuing artificial feeding gives the illusion of tube-dependency.
“In some patients, however, there was not only a slight decrease in weight after discontinuing tube feeding, they lost a few kilograms (a maximum of 2.30 kg during the first seven days and a maximum of 3.15 kg until discharge).”
These rapid weight losses can only be explained by fluid drainage. The weight gained with tube feeding is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Article: “Others, especially if they have undergone aggressive intravenous repletion or total parenteral refeeding during a recent previous hospitalization, may arrive with as much as twenty extra pounds of edema weight.“
Article: “The frequent use of sip feeds and/or nutritional supplements is not usually helpful. They encourage patients away from the experience of food, re-enforce their avoidance of foods and can foster dependency on artificial food sources. The decision to tube feed is complex and requires careful planning, i.e. it may be extremely distressing for patients with a history of physical or sexual abuse. It has been reported that patients consider their experience of involuntary feeding to be degrading and an infringement of their human rights, as well as making them feel imprisoned and punished.”
Study: “Predisposing factors to a compulsory admission were a history of childhood sexual or physical abuse. More deaths among compulsory than voluntary patients (10/79 v. 2/78) were found.”
A former Guantanomo Bay prisoner who was force-fed said, “I can't describe how painful it is to be force-fed this way. As it was thrust in, it made me feel like throwing up. I wanted to vomit, but I couldn't. There was agony in my chest, throat and stomach. I had never experienced such pain before. I would not wish this cruel punishment upon anyone.” The World Medical Association has clearly identified this process as cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. And given the level of brutality, it could go as far as torture. But is there absolutely no other option for those with eating disorders?
Study: „The incidence of nasogastric feeding was substantially reduced after the implementation of meal support therapy (67% versus 11%).“
Anorexia nervosa does not have the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric conditions for being an incurable disease, but because of medical malpracice.
14. Wound healing
Article: “Patients are more than twice as likely to develop a lower stage bedsore with a feeding tube and three times as likely to develop a stage four pressure sore, which can result in infection, septic shock or death.”

ulaProtein and zinc is most essential to wound healing, which are common deficiencies in tube-fed patients.
“They found that dietary restriction and hypoalbuminemia [protein deficiency] were significantly associated with an existing pressure ulcer.”
Article: “The participants taking the zinc supplement were 12.5 times more likely to have nausea and vomiting and, paradoxically, were 7.8 times more likely to acquire an infection requiring an antibiotic.”
In a 1991 study, none of the patients in the group with the high protein content and 4 patients in the group with the very high protein content recorded a complete healing of their ulcers, which results in a statistically insignificant relative risk of a cure of 0.11.
In a 1971 study, 10 patients treated with zinc sulfate had a statistically insignificant mean net change in pressure ulcer volume. It’s been known for 5 decades that zinc sulfate and protein isolates are of very little benefit while having severe side effects. Why would they still use it for enteral form?
Article: Medicare expenses, the total annual costs of all wound types, such as pressure ulcer, venous ulcers, diabetic foot ulcer, surgical and traumatic wounds and infection, ranged from $US 28.1 to $US 96.8 billion in the United States.“
Zinc sulfate is actually a herbicide, a toxic chemical masquerading as a nutrient.

“Nutritionists have long been misled using blood tests to judge the body’s stores of zinc; scientists are finding out that blood levels are not reliable, and unless you are severely malnourished there is no relation between the amount of zinc in your diet and the level of zinc in your blood. It appears that the kidneys respond to the body’s total load of zinc, not the levels in the blood, so the blood levels can become low not because of a zinc deficiency but the body is overloaded with zinc and the kidneys are removing it from the blood as fast as they can. […] While the recommended dietary allowance for adult males is 11 milligrams per day, a man can take in as little as 1.4 milligrams of zinc a day and still maintain homeostasis and normal levels of zinc in the blood and tissues. But a person who increases his or her daily intake beyond 20 milligrams may risk toxic effects in the long term.“ Arthur Firstenberg – The Invisible Rainbow
15. Death by high-caloric malnutrion
Artificially fed patients are prone to protein-energy malnutrition, zinc, thiamine and other nutrient deficiencies.
“The hospital pharmacy issued 128,000 units of intravenous glucose during the year, mostly liter-sized bottles of 5% or 10% glucose. Assuming that each unit represented a displaced meal and 18% of all projected of all projected meals consisted of a bottle of glucose, this figures out to be a nutritional deficit of 2,600 kcal for each patient, each week.” The skeleton in the hospital closet
Study: “Of 146 PEG patients: Initial low zinc in 122; low albumin in 77, low transferrin in 94; low values for both proteins in 66.”
Article: „The global prevalence of zinc deficiency was estimated at 31%, ranging from 4–73% across sub-regions. Based on these estimates, zinc deficiency in children aged below five years was estimated to cause 176,000 diarrhoea deaths, 406,000 pneumonia deaths and 207,000 malaria deaths per year. Zinc deficiency is rather uncommon in populations with predominantly Western style nutrition.”
Zinc and protein deficiencies are only common in Western hospitals. Who knows how many deaths have to be attributed to zinc and protein in industrialized countries.
Article: “When you’re zinc deficient, your body can’t produce healthy, new cells. This leads to symptoms such as: unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, diarrhea.”
Study: “Evidence from clinical studies indicates that AN patients have low serum zinc levels and low rates of urinary zinc excretion.”
In one study, 220mg zinc sulfate (RDA of zinc 8-11 mg) was necessary to restore zinc serum levels.
Article: “Long-term zinc supplementation can cause copper deficiency with subsequent reversible hematologic defects (i.e., anemia, leukopenia) and potentially irreversible neurologic manifestations (i.e., myelopathy, paresthesia, ataxia, spasticity.”
Study: “Prolonged PEJ tube nutrition tends to result in copper deficiency, and cocoa supplementation is effective for treating such copper deficiency.” (cocoa = real food!)
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment has recommended a maximum amount of 6.5 mg per day for the use of zinc in supplements. The maximum amount of iron is 6 mg per day, the maximum amount of calcium is 500 mg per day.
One bottle of Fresubin contains 4 mg zinc sulfate and 5 mg iron and 410 mg calcium.
Study: “Copper and selenium deficiencies were the most prevalent deficient micronutrients, with an occurrence of 78% and 17.3% respectively. Micronutrient deficiencies occurred despite a short median Anorexia nervosa history of 8.7 months.”
In a German study the probability that a person from the total PEG collective died within the next year was 83.3%, while according to the data from the mortality table it was 15.3%.
Article: “Metabolic and electrolyte imbalances are common complications associated with enteral feedings. Specific imbalances are related to either high or low serum levels of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamins, trace elements, and water.”
16. Protein Needs and Protein Poisoning
Study: “Data from the field lend support to these indications that famine edema is not simply a result of hypoproteinemia [protein deficiency] or of renal or cardiac failure.”
Of all mammals, human breast milk has the lowest protein content (roughly equivalent to that of fruit and vegetables) because humans are the slowest growers. It follows that adults also have low protein requirements. The strongest animal in the world (gorillas) has an extremely low protein diet.
The naturalness is more important for the protein quality than the amino acid profile. Most cases of protein deficiency occur with caloric undereating, also with extremely unbalanced diets, with malabsorption, or because of denatured protein.
In the beginning of the force-feeding I received a ultra-high-protein (40%) diet, which not only led to weight loss, but also completely deranged my blood levels.
Protein poisoning (also referred to colloquially as rabbit starvation,) refers to an unverified acute form of malnutrition that some have speculated may be caused by a diet deficient in fat.
Only very recently mainstream medicine has recognized the importance of fat for emaciated patients.
Article: “It is possible that liver lipid accumulation was caused by overfeeding of carbohydrate suggesting that a lower carbohydrate, higher fat diet may be beneficial during AN treatment.”
In spite of overdosing on protein I developed a protein deficiency I hadn’t had on a low-calorie vegan diet.
Study: “An exception to this was the group of well nourished infected animals ingesting a 20% hydrolysed casein diet. From the 5th week of infection onward, their body weights were observed to drop progressively and at the end of the experimental period their weights were similar to those of non-infected undernourished mice. [...]Even when fed balanced diets, in this experimental model, the infected liver seems to be unable to metabolize the surplus of ingested aminoacids, with the result that the mice die from hepatic coma.”
In 2016 I managed a rapid weight gain in a different clinic because I rejected the supposedly life-essential tube feeding and supplemental drinks. My protein levels were back within the normal range long before my weight was restored.
Study: “Five patients were fed a diet providing 20% of energy from protein and seven patients were fed a diet with only 10% of energy There was no significant difference between the two diets for elemental metabolic balance, changes in anthropometric measures, in weight gain, or in potassium-40 counts; nor was there any difference in the energy cost of weight gain, in the rise in basal metabolic rate, or the change in hematocrit, serum albumin, or cholesterol. However, blood urea nitrogen was higher in those patients who received the high protein diet. Satisfactory nutritional rehabilitation of patients with anorexia nervosa does not require a high protein diet.”
Article: “Hypoalbuminaemia is one of the most prevalent disorders in hospitalized and critically ill patients. One report determined the prevalence to be greater than 70% of elderly hospitalized patients.”
Album infusions were not only ineffective treating hypoalbuminemia, it proved to be even more deadly:
“The group of patients who received 20% albumin showed an approximately 20% increase in mortality in the intensive care unit and after 28 days.[...]Surprisingly, despite this negative data base for human albumin since 2006, the revision of the German Sepsis Society changed the use of human albumin as a volume replacement for severe sepsis and septic shock. [...] The reason for this change was not explained.”
Against all evidence, therapies are retained if they are lucrative.
“Sick people who received albumin had an average 1.7 times higher risk than controls [...]. In each of the three categories [...] the albumin infusions caused increased deaths. [...] There is no evidence that human albumin saves lives. On the contrary: there is strong suspicion that this therapy causes additional deaths in hypovolemia, burns and hypoalbuminemia.”
Synthetic protein is a poison to the body.
Article: “A growing body of data indicates that persistent underfeeding throughout the ICU stay, particularly protein underfeeding, may significantly contribute to long-term mortality.”
17. My own story
In 2014 in a suicidal and severely emaciated state I was put into a psychiatric ward where my ideology and the psychiatrists’ clashed. I refused supplemental drinks, calling them poison, and knew for the mentioned reasons that they were not helpful for weight gain. After escaping from the ward, a disciplinary force-feeding was decided. 🡆Drapetomania “Dr. C. suggested a solution — to make running impossible by removing the big toes of potential runaways.”

My prediction that I would starve to death was proof of my "delusionality". As in so many cases, I quickly got caught in a death spiral. Complications and intolerances led to intensive care unit stays, antibiotics and pain medication, and continuous weight loss. For four months, the doctors insisted on their dogma that I couldn’t eat any natural food in my condition because my diet had to be precisely adjusted according to scientific research. Shortly before I died of starvation, I was discharged with the diagnosis: refeeding syndrome (for a short time differential diagnosis: AIDS). The diagnosis: delusions was however revised, which was an indirect admission of error.
18. Doctors don’t believe in their own treatments
According to a study, 88.3% doctors opted for the Do-Not-Prolong Life.
• only 5 % would definitely want CPR
• only 2 % ventilation
• only 4 % dialysis
• only 4 % chemotherapy
• only 8 % most major surgeries
• only 9 % most invasive testing
• only 5 % a feeding tube
• only 19 % antibiotics
• only 18 % IV hydration
While some being undecided.
Even if they chose this profession for idealistic reasons, they get corrupted sooner or later by the system.
Study: Chemo therapy has a 2.3 % success rate.

19. Every 4th cancer patient inevitably has to starve to death?
Article: “Cachexia is estimated to be the immediate cause of death in 20% to 40% of cancer patients.“
Article: “It has been observed that patients who are mostly in third and fourth stage of cancer are incapable of consuming food orally owing to the strong effect of medicines and chemotherapies. Therefore, many of them opt for enteral feeding formulas.
Study: „TPN is increasingly used in terminally ill cancer patients with cachexia or bowel dysfunction, but the American College of Physicians discourages this practice. In addition to providing little benefit to the dying patient, the practice is costly: $15,000 to $18,000 a month for home TPN, according to the investigator.
“Our study of home TPN did not show a great outcome. In fact, the results were pretty dismal,” said M. C.-G.. “The patients often are readmitted with the same symptoms they had when we started them on TPN.”
Article: “Carbone shadows the Montgomery Cancer Center dietitians to learn more about how a patient’s body weight is maintained through the tube feeding process, specifically how natural food aids this process faster than commercial formula.”
Even more than others cancer patients need an alkalizing and nutritious diet to strengthen their immune system and starve their cancer cells.
Formula nutrition does the opposite in combination with aggressive treatments like chemo or radiation. Nutritional advice in hospital is usually restricted to eating “low fat” and “high protein”, anything else would be in conflict with the notoriously unhealthy hospital food.
There’s a number
of therapeutical approaches for cancer cachexia the typical oncologist has never heard of: Hydrazine
sulfate, Glutamine, Cannabinoi
Article: Cancer cachexia has many symptoms but only one cause: anoxia (hypoxaemia)
Study: Nasogastric and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes were associated with moderate hypoxaemia.
Article: Acid-base homeostasis disturbances appear to increase the oxygen consumption required for maintenance metabolism
Article: Chronic metabolic acidosis may be the cause of cachexia: Body fluid pH correction may be an effective therapy
Oxygen deprivation and an acidic body causes not only weight loss, but creates anxiety, which explains the panicky mask wearers.
20. Enteral feeding for advanced dementia
Studies show that tube feeding does not improve the nutritional status in subjects with severe dementia, it causes excessive use of restraints and it is ineffective in preventing and treating pressure ulcers and aspiration pneumonia. Enteral feeding doubles the risk of dying.
Nature has arranged that dying people eat and drink less, because in this state the body becomes very acidic, which has desired effects: it comes to a loss of consciousness, it has pain-relieving and also anxiety-relieving effects.
Although it relieves the nursing staff and relatives, tube feeding often leads to complications and can agonizingly prolong the dying process. Enteral feeding doesn't even save money, to the contrary!
Study: “Nursing homes are faced with a potential fiscal incentive to tube-feed residents with advanced dementia: tube-fed residents generate a higher daily reimbursement rate from Medicaid, yet require less expensive nursing home care. From a Medicare perspective, tube-fed patients are expensive due to the high costs associated with feeding tube placement and acute management of complications.”
Many tube-fed dementia patients die from a protein deficiency, too.
Study: “Other investigators observed that only 50% of patients with dementia and inadequate oral intake are likely to survive more than 6 months after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placement. The most significant factor that predicted poor survival in patients at 6 months was a serum albumin concentration less than 2.8 g/dL.”
“The use of our formula [intact protein]was associated with an acceptable long-term mean serum albumin level of more than 4 g/dL. This is in contrast to the observation that despite a seemingly adequate level of protein and energy intake, approximately one third of geriatric patients who receive enteral feeding with a formula providing high energy and protein nutrition were noted to have persistently low serum albumin levels.”
A patient nearing the end of a fatal chronic illness is admitted to the hospital for an acute medical problem.
Medical staff observe that the patient is swallowing with difficulty, losing weight, or inhaling food and drink.
A doctor orders a swallow study, leading to a recommendation that the patient receive “non-oral feeding” out of concern the person will choke or not eat enough.
The feeding tube provokes “agitation.” Sometimes the patient is transferred to a more secure care facility. If not, the patient’s distress dislodges the feeding tube.
The tube is reinserted, and the patient’s hands or chest are tied down.
The patient chokes on his or her own body fluids and develops pneumonia.
The patient gets antibiotics through an IV, and a sensor clipped to a fingertip, earlobe or toe monitors the amount of oxygen in the blood, a method called pulse oximetry.
The tube might fall out and be replaced several times before a family conference is finally convened to discuss what to do.
The patient dies.
Study: “Feeding tubes were used in 10.1% of White subjects and in 38.9% of Black subjects for an overall rate of 11.5%.”
Black Lives Matter???
“Tube feeing for 24 hours a day can be stated as a massive impairment of the quality of life and promotes a regressive state up to the stage of vegetation. An American instructional video demonstrates impressively: An interdisciplinary treatment team takes care of him and gradually feeds him food in a natural way. After two weeks of intensive care, dramatic changes can be seen in the apparently vegetating man: he can speak, walk and actively participate in social life again. This clearly shows how affection, professional care, and oral feeding can prevent or at least delay social deprivation.”
Article: “Studies of PEGs and the elderly with dementia have also made another unwelcome discovery: the 30-day post-PEG mortality rate can be as high as 25-30%.” Is it?... (unwelcome)
21. Iatroracism
“The last ten-year census reported in 2010 showed that the average black man lives to be 62, the average white man, 75, and the average Hispanic lives to be 80.5. Why is there an eightteen year difference between the life span of a black man and a Hispanic man? Doctors say genetics and lifestyle. In reality the black man has been taught to overuse the medical system because of his medically created fears of his „terrible black gene,“ (Dr. Wallach - Epigenetics)
22. The scandal of infant formula

No country in the world supports breastfeeding moms like they should, according to a report by the WHO and UNICEF. According to the WHO, inadequate breastfeeding rates result in economic losses of about US $302 billion annually.
“[...]the well-financed steam-roller marketing techniques of the food industry to sell totally unaffordable and inappropriate infant foods in impoverished countries while mouthing sanctimonious platitudes about their world role in improving child nutrition.” He coined the term “commerciogenic malnutrition” to describe the malnutrition caused by such ill considered promotion.”
“A study conducted in Barbados in 1969 showed that 82% of the mothers were “stretching” the formula. They were making a 4-day can last between 5 days and 3 weeks.”

“At least one million children in developing countries, Tarzie Vittachi of Unicef estimates, die every year because of incorrect and inadequate nutrition with breast milk substitutes, not because the mothers cannot breastfeed, but because they were told that a certain baby milk powder was "better", "modern", "more scientific", "fancier" or simply "more comfortable.”
Article: “A study in the USA analysed 500 formulas and baby food products from 60 brands and screened them for over 130 toxins. The researchers measured alarming levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead and acrylamide: 65% of products tested positive for arsenic, 58% for cadmium, 36% for lead, and 10% for acrylamide. All of these toxic substances are linked to developmental defects and serious health conditions and thus pose potential dangers for developing infants. Bisphenol A, BPA, acts as a hormone disruptor with negative effects on fertility and human reproduction ; it was found in 60% of products claiming to be ‘BPA free.’”

“While human milk is highly protective against both malnutrition and diarrhea, with improper use of bottle formulas, the two react synergistically. Underweight babies are prone to infections that create diarrhea and the baby suffering with constant diarrhea is unable to absorb enough nutrients from what food it gets.“

Study: “Feeding [infants] a hydrolyzed protein food led to a temporarily lower weight gain in the first year of life.”
Studies have also shown that infants fed protein hydrolysate give sooner signals that they are full. The researchers' hypothesis: “Infants may dislike the taste of protein hydrolysate formula and consequently consume less, thereby gaining weight more slowly.”
The better (sweeter) taste of breast milk does not make babies drink larger amounts either. The opposite is the case. Study: “The energy intake of infants who were given infant formula with cow's milk in addition to breast milk tended to be 20% higher than the energy intake of exclusively breastfed babies.”

The difference could be even greater for babies fed exclusively formula. The explanation is that cow's milk’s composition does not meet the nutritional requirements of an infant. The main reason why babies have a slower weight gain with protein hydrolysate is the mentioned “appetite-suppressing” effect and the lower bioavailability. The bitter taste could also be a factor, but most of the times it is covered with flavorings.
Study: “Cow’s Milk Formula is less satiating to infants than Extensive Hydrolysate Formula. CMF infants also lost significantly less energy in their stools during the first days of feeding on the formula than did EHF infants. When infants are switched from CMF to EHF, the consistency of the stool changes, resembling the watery stools characteristic of breastfed infants and the number of stools per day decreases.”
Study shows that breastfeeding reduced the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by ∼50% at all ages.
Study Sees Link Between Prolonged Formula Feeding, Leukemia Risk
Article: “There is a clear link between extended breastfeeding and higher IQ scores and school attainment. Researchers found that this leads to higher earnings in later life – 12% higher per hour in high-income countries, and 16% in low- and middle-income countries.”
Article:“If we are speaking in terms of the usual IQ scale, which has an average of 100, the differences between children who were breastfed for several months and those never breastfed would be somewhere between 1.5 and 4.0 points,” he told Healthline. “While a difference of 2 to 3 IQ points may not seem like a big ‘gain’ for an individual child (for example going from 100 to 102), if a whole population, on average increases their IQ by 2 to 3 points, we could potentially see considerably important differences.”
Previous studies found similar results:
A study published in 2021 reported that breastfed children had an average gain of 3.44 IQ points. This gain seemed to have a long-term impact, with the children having improved performance in tests and higher education.
A study published in February 2022 looked at data on 111 healthy girls aged 7 to 9. Researchers compared three groups: exclusively breastfed, exclusively bottle-fed, and mixed-fed. The group of girls exclusively breastfed had more higher-than-average IQ scores than the other groups. The results, however, were not considered statistically significant, possibly because of the small sample size.
Similac lawsuits claim that the cow’s milk-based baby formula is causing preterm infants to develop the gastrointestinal illness necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).
Article: Infant formula-feeding resulted in higher protein-derived short-chain fatty acids and amino acids in stools.
Infant formula is the foundation stone for a neurotic and chronically ill society. Higher breastfeeding rates would also prevent an estimate of 20,000 breast cancer deaths a year.
In a national survey 2003 just 24.4% U.S. residents agreed with the statement: “Feeding a baby formula instead of breast milk increases the chance the baby will get sick.”
23. Tube feeding for children
Study: “A total of 56.0% of all tube-fed children showed regular gagging and retching episodes, 50% vomited frequently, 14.8% experienced nausea, 7.5% experienced extreme nervous perspiration during the feeding, 45% showed loss of appetite, 5.2% experienced local granulation tissue and 1.9% had other skin irritations.”
Many infants do still have a healthy response to being poisoned. In later life most people get their body accustomed to a highly toxic life style.
Article: “Recent statistics in this field show that more than 33% of all tube fed children aged 0-12 months are malnourished as defined by the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO).”
Article: “One study documented a significantly increased incidence of low intelligence quotient (IQ) scores among infants of birth weight less than 1300 grams who received a very high protein intake (6 to 7.2g/kg).”
Article: “As difficult as it is to define (and meet) the macronutrient needs of the preterm infant, even less is known about the requirements for micronutrients in this population.”
Article: Protein deficiency in premature infants receiving parenteral nutrition
Article: Mortality is high among children with NI after feeding tube placement
Study: Limited effect of enteral nutrition on growth in a group of children
24. Osteoporosis
“The loss of calcium in the bone is not the cause, but rather the consequence of the regression of the bone connective tissue due to insufficient anabolic activity and thus the breakdown of calcium stores. Connective tissue consists primarily of silicon and sulfur, not calcium. […] If calcium is pushed back into the bones with the help of vitamin D (a hormone!) In osteoporosis, this leads to the fact that it becomes even more brittle and breaks faster. This is exactly what independent American studies have shown. No bridge builder would think of adding more concrete to a rusted-through bridge. [...] Every kind of stress and environmental toxins including nicotine, as well as wrong nutrition and deficiency prevent the anabolic building processes, whereby the degradation predominates. However, they also prevent the removal of metabolic residues and toxins, which leads to microcirculatory disorders with all the associated consequences. […] Less known is that. Without STH in connection with the other hormonal regulators, regeneration is impossible. Increased intake of short-chain carbohydrates [sugar, maltodextrin] therefore promotes degenerative processes. [...]Treatment with bisphosphonates: The change in bone density does not correlate with the at first increased fracture rate, which after 2 years hardly decreases. As a side effect, the frequency of thromboembolism increases.”
Article: “2017 research by scientists at Imperial College in London, shows that bisphosphonates actually MAKE BONES WEAKER! Researchers found that the use of bisphosphonates was associated with the development of “micro-cracks” in the bone of the osteoporosis patients being studied. The lead author of the study, Dr. Abel, described the outcome as “startling” as the bones of the subjects taking bisphosphonates had a larger number of these micro-cracks and less mechanical strength than those who weren’t taking the drug. The study results revealed that the bones of bisphosphonate users had 24 percent more microcracks than non-bisphosphonate users with osteoporosis, and had 54 percent more than healthy aging bone.
Other Serious Side Effects of Bisphosphonates
While this new study brings the dangers of treating osteoporosis with drug therapy to the forefront, the adverse side effects of bisphosphonates are widely known. In fact, the list of side effects was one of the major reasons Mira decided to NOT take the drugs suggested by her medical doctors and instead search out a natural treatment for her osteoporosis. The list includes osteonecrosis of the jaw – a severe bone disease where the jawbone becomes exposed and begins to weaken and die from lack of blood – as well as many other adverse side effects including severe musculoskeletal pain, gastrointestinal problems, cancer of the esophagus, fever, low calcium levels, and a type of irregular heartbeat.“
During the beginning of my force-feeding I received 10 bottles of Fresubin a day with 400mg calcium (calcium carbonate) each, at least 20 times as much as I had consumed in previous years. When my calcium blood levels dropped dangerously low anyway, I was given additionally 4x 500mg calcium tablets.
Article: “Supplementing with calcium can lead to magnesium deficiency due to competitive inhibition for absorption.”
Article: “Increasing Vitamin D3 also increases the need for magnesium which is used in Vitamin D3 metabolic processes. So magnesium already in pandemic deficiency, the supplemental Vitamin D3 creates a further deficiency by demanding and using more of the limited supply.”
Study: “Calcium supplements may increase the incidence of constipation, severe diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Calcium supplements have up to 30% increase risk for myocardial infarction. Dietary calcium intake <751 mg/d raised the risk of osteoporosis-related fractures and osteoporosis; meanwhile, intake >1,137 mg/d would increase the risk of hip fractures in women.”
Calcium carbonate side effects: “Little or no urinating; swelling, rapid weight gain; nausea, vomiting, constipation, increased thirst or urination, muscle weakness, bone pain, confusion, lack of energy, or feeling tired, upset stomach, gas.”
Article: “According to one expert, 90% of those with osteoporosis have low stomach acid.”
Betaine HCl is therefore an important component in the treatment of osteoporosis.
Article: “Well, too much vitamin D can actually negatively affect the bones. Too much vitamin D can mean that there isn’t enough vitamin K in the body. The vitamin K, especially vitamin K2, helps to keep the calcium levels out of the blood and put it on the bones. So, not only is vitamin D needed, but vitamin K2 is essential to get the calcium in the right place. There’s no point having a lot of calcium absorbed into the body if it ends up in the blood instead of the bones!”
Article: “Among older community-dwelling women, annual oral administration of high-dose cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) resulted in an increased risk of falls and fractures.”
Those with anorexia used to be treated with the birth control pill for the prevention of osteoporosis.
Study: “The effect of combined oral contraceptives on bone mineral density is variable, with no effect reported in premenopausal women; however, growing evidence suggests that low-dose combined oral contraceptives may be detrimental to bone mineral density in adolescents and young women.”
Another osteoporosis treatment is sodium fluoride, which got only out of use because of its severe side effects. Although not an essential nutrient, it’s an ingredient of most formulas.
Study: “Decreases in bone mineral content in the radial shaft have been found previously during fluoride treatment [...]. These results suggest that fluoride therapy causes a redistribution of bone from the cortical to the cancellous compartment.”
Study: “Most patients currently receiving fluoride therapy have osteoporosis. Up to 33% of these patients develop a coarse trabecular pattern with osteosclerosis, resembling to varying degrees classical fluoride intoxication and other bone sclerosing diseases.”
A 32-year-old anorexic had osteoporosis so severe that she had a humpback and a crooked leg. (She was force-fed several times by the same doctor). In addition to calcium and vitamin D (without Vitamin D3), she was given an antacid (the opposite of betaine HCl) without any indication, Calcium carbonate also neutralizes stomach acid, which is why calcium cannot be absorbed by the body and causes cardiovascular diseases, kidney stones and other diseases.
Article: “Holocaust survivors are at increased risk of osteoporosis, cardiometabolic disease due to [...]Nazi medical experiments.”
25. Calcium carbonate vs. coral calcium
“Many of the calcium supplements are only in the 2 to 3% absorption range, while the so called „great“ are about only 15%. With the Okinawans, because of the rod-like microbes in the coral discovered by Swedish scientists in the 1990s, claim the absorption approaches nearly 100%. Therefore, taking a 250mg calcium in an antacid product, which does severely harm in the elderly by wiping out their crucial stomach acid supplies, usually results in the absorption of 5mg (2%) calcium by the body over a 20 hour period. Also, there is substantial evidence that the nutrients in coral are absorbed in less than 20 minutes (the blood chemistry undergoes a drastic change for the better, in less than 20 minutes. […] That’s almost 50 as much calcium, 50 times as fast.“
The Calcium Factor – Robert R. Barefoot
26. Fluoride
“Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time.”
Dr Robert Carton, a scientist who spent 20 years working for the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Article: “Fluoridation presents unacceptable risks to public health, and the government cannot prove its claims of safety. It is clear that fluoride is mutagenic, and that it may well cause cancer. EPA has attempted to silence scientists who do not follow the party line. And with that, Fluoridation, constitutes unlawful medical research. It is banned in most of Europe; European Union human rights legislation makes it illegal.”
Article: “Fluoride is a key ingredient of many psychiatric drugs like fluoxetine (Prozac®, Fluoxetine®). [...]The results suggest that fluoxetine may be a developmental neurotoxicant due to presence of fluoride hence must be used carefully during pregnancy.”
“In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths than any other chemical.” “They (National Cancer Institute) lie like scoundrels.” Dr. Dean Burk Ph.D. (34 years at the National Cancer Institute)
“Selling fluoride was child’s play, Bernays explained [in a 1993 interview]. The PR wizard specialized in promoting new ideas and products to the public by stressing a claimed public-health benefit. He understood that citizens had an often unconscious trust in medical authority. ‘You can get practically any idea accepted,’ Bernays told me, chuckling. ‘If doctors are in favor, the public is willing to accept it, because a doctor is an authority to most people, regardless of how much he knows, or doesn’t know.…” The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson (2004)
Article: “Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. Both the Germans and the Russians added fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile.”
27. Bolus vs. continuous feeding
Continuous tube feeding (over a period of 8-24 hours) is currently the preferred feeding method for critically ill patients. There is a myth among clinicians that continuous tube feeding helps reduce blood sugar fluctuations and diarrhea. In a 2016 study with 50 critically ill patients, which compared bolus delivery via a PEG tube with continuous nutrition, no difference in glucose variability or insulin utilization was found. Only a few studies show a positive effect on the incidence of diarrhea.
This is another break with nature as humans are not grazers (like e.g. cows). Especially at night you should let your digestive system rest ("breakfast" = break the fast). An insane constant stimulation of stomach acid, bile and pancreatic juices is the result, as well as bacterial overgrowth.
Article: “Continuous enteral feeding into the stomach raises gastric pH, and this can allow bacterial colonization of the stomach. A rest period from feeding of at least 90 minutes allows gastric pH to fall sufficiently to kill the majority of bacterial species that colonize the stomach.“
Article: “Intermittent feeding has higher chance to achieve energy goal. Some experts contend that the entero-hormonal and digestive enzyme responses to nutrient ingestion are abolished during continuous feeding, which is detrimental to metabolism.“
Study: “Intermittent bolus feeding increases protein synthesis in muscles of different fiber types and visceral tissues to a greater extent than continuous feeding by stimulating translation initiation.“
Article: “Three studies reported on aspiration pneumonia and found a significant increase in incidence in the group receiving continuous feeds.“
28. Feeding Tube Diet
Protein hydrolysates have anorexigenic traits and increase thermogenesis. They suppress appetite by delaying gastric emptying, promoting pancreatic secretion and central nervous system signaling.
In this video the doctor explains how 800 kcal are sufficient to kill the appetite. They promise a weight loss of 20 lbs in 10 days.
A study found that subjects consuming a diet containing 29% of protein had a 891 kJ/d higher resting metabolic rate than subjects consuming the same eucaloric diet with 11% energy from protein.
Study: “During a 2-y period we observed a high prevalence of Wernicke's encephalopathy in intravenously fed patients due to lack of thiamine supplementation.”
Article: “One common early symptom of thiamine deficiency is a loss of appetite, or anorexia.”

29. Diarrhea
A diarrhea treatment medication called Zincfant targeted at Third World children contains zinc sulfate and aspartame, both highly toxic having diarrhea as a side effect, which the manufacturers conveniently forget to mention.
Package leaflet: “Like all medicines, ZinCfant® 20mg can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. The most commonly reported side effects (greater than 1 in 10 patients treated) • Vomiting Regurgitation Stomach pain Dyspepsia.”
In a study with children from Bangladesh, the children's nutritional status was generally poor. The zinc-treated group had slightly lower scores on the mental development index of the Bayley Scales than did the placebo group. In another study pregnant women were given zinc. Their children had lower scores on the mental and psychomotor development index than did the placebo group.
Study: “There was no overall impact of therapeutic zinc supplements, preventive zinc tablets or zinc, iron and 13 other micronutrients on diarrhea, on persistent cough with wheezing, stridor or chest in-drawing and purulent nasal discharge with cough.”
CDC: “Diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day—more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined.”
Zinc now included in the WHO Essential Medicines List for management of acute diarrhoea. Zinc sulphate, tablet or syrup in 10 mg per unit dosage forms, has been included in the 14th edition (March 2005) of the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.
WHO 2009: “Why is diarrhoea, an easily preventable and treatable disease, one that in the developed world is considered little more than an inconvenience, causing an estimated 1.5 million under-five deaths every year?”
Challenging the WHO recommendations (2021): “Children hospitalised with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) are frequently complicated (>50%) by diarrhoea which is accompanied by poor outcomes. Rehydration guidelines for SAM are exceptionally conservative and controversial, based upon expert opinion. The guidelines only permit use of intravenous fluids for cases with advanced shock and exclusive use of low sodium intravenous and oral rehydration solutions (ORS) for fear of fluid and/or sodium overload. Children managed in accordance to these guidelines have a very high mortality. [...]Mortality was high overall, particularly in children with shock managed on WHO recommendations (Day-28 mortality 82%).”
Article: “The WHO draft guidance recommend giving supplementary therapeutic milk before each breastfeed. This is contrary to the supplemental suckling technique and expert breastfeeding recommendations, where breastmilk is always offered first.”
30.. Why do many people consider supplemental drinks to be helpful?
This feeling is largely an illusion with the placebo effect as a possible explanation, it depends on the suggestability of the patients.
The high price, the restricted availability, the recommendation by medical authorities makes those drinks desirable and creates the expectation of magical effects.
In no single aspect synthetic drinks are
superior to natural food, there are more calorie dense, easier to digest, cheaper, tastier, more nutritious
The feeling of satiety might make them appear ideal for losing weight, but there won’t be a lasting weight loss on an unhealthy calorie-reduced diet.
31. Protein powders and weight gainers
Study(protein powder): “Out of 48 patients, 14 (29%) dropped out within one month because of side effects. The most common side effect in drop-outs was nausea and vomiting (43%). Out of remaining 34 patients who completed the study, 80% could not consume >50% of the recommended supplement because of side effects.”
Two participants were excluded from this study because they died. Of protein poisoning? Protein powders (isolates) and weight gainers are an even bigger scam than weight loss shakes. On the one hand, it is wrongly assumed that more protein causes greater muscle growth and that bodybuilders cannot ingest sufficient protein through regular food; on the other hand, there is the idea that protein isolate bypasses the digestive process and is more quickly available to the body after a workout.
Study: “The authors reported, quite suprisingly, that intact whey protein results in a rapid absorption of amino acids into the blood compared with the hydrolyzed whey protein.”
Article: “Although largely ignored by the authors of sports nutrition textbooks, the extraction of amino acids by the intestine have a critical influence on their availability to peripheral tissues and therefore, on whole body protein metabolism. In fact, the PDV account for 20 to 35% of whole-body protein turnover and energy expenditure. Thus, the notion than an amino acid is an amino acid no matter how administered is clearly fallacious. The kinetics of absorption of amino acids can substantially modulate their ability to stimulate muscle protein anabolism.”
Article: “In fact, the
researchers found that Whey Protein Hydrolysate resul
Article: “Researchers screened 134 products for 130 types of toxins and found that many protein powders contained heavy metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury), bisphenol-A (BPA, which is used to make plastic), pesticides, or other contaminants with links to cancer and other health conditions. Some toxins were present in significant quantities. For example, one protein powder contained 25 times the allowed limit of BPA.“
New research from the University of Sydney suggests that protein shakes may lead to weight gain, depression and shorter life spans.
32. Kwashiorkor - a new paradigm
Article: “The pathophysiological features of kwashiorkor have been debated for the past 3 decades. Evidence has been presented implicating aflatoxins, free oxygen radicals, leukotrienes, zinc deficiency, and essential fatty acid deficiency; the traditionally held theory is that of relative protein deficiency. Kwashiorkor is likely a multifactorial disease for which multiple circumstances, such as dietary imbalance or deficiency, toxin exposure, infection, emotional trauma.”
Article: “The mortality rate in hospitals, from severe malnutrition has not changed in 40 years at between about 20-40%, despite the fact that under refugee camp conditions mortality rates of 5-10% are achieved. Why should this be?
Attempts to reproduce Kwashiorkor in animals with low protein diets have failed. The animals develop severe growth retardation, but not oedema. In an early series of experiments in Jamaica, children were kept in a stable condition and baseline measurements of protein turnover were made for a few hours after admission. They were given low protein diets during this time and, surprisingly, showed a marked clinical improvement. The period of low protein feeding was cautiously extended and the children improved remarkedly with a lowered mortality, on a diet supplying less protein than they were calculated to have had before admission. During this time they lost all their oedema without any change in their serum albumin level; the rate of loss of oedema was entirely independent of the protein content of the diet. The early argument that kwashiorkor was due to protein deficiency because of the response to diets rich in protein is fallacious: is a headache due to aspirin deficiency because it is cured by aspirin?
A rational classification of the nutrients into those specific clinical signs and those that cause growth failure then explains how anthropometrically normal or even obese people can be iron or thiamine deficient while deficiency of other nutrients as protein, sulphur, phosphorus, zinc or potassium leads to stunting and wasting. Failure to appreciate both the difference in types of deficiency and the interdependence of the ‘growth nutrients’ may underlie the poor results of most supplentation programmes in the developing world and the very high and unchanging prevalence of stunting (about 50% of the world’s population). The inadequate convalescence and failure of children to catch-up after an episode of acute illness, such as diarrhea or pneumonia, can be ascribed to failure to provide this specific portfolio of type II nutrients: the poor growth is usually ascribed to the infection alone, although children on a normal diet quickly regain what they have lost, whereas children on a poor diet will becoe stunted even if they do not have frequent infection. Despite mounting evidence, it was not generally accepted that protein deficiency does not cause kwashiorkor, largely because there was no replacement paradigm.”
Study: “The diet of children who developed kwashiorkor was characterized by low consumption of sweet potatoes, papaya and other vegetables.”
Food consumption |
Children (6-50 months old) with Kwashiorkor |
Children (6-50 months old) without Kwashiorkor |
Beans |
31.1 |
0.4 |
Eggs |
4.7 |
0.7 |
Rice |
2.3 |
0.6 |
Papayas |
2.3 |
15.5 |
Sweet Potatoes |
0 |
6.8 |
Squash |
0 |
4.9 |
Tomatoes |
0 |
1.3 |
Bananas |
9.3 |
19.1 |
Other fruits |
0 |
1.8 |
Other vegetables |
2.3 |
15.1 |
33. Missing scientific studies
There are no studies supporting the use of formula enteral nutrition. Most studies are being funded by the industry and manipulated (p-hacking).Studies with an inconvenient outcome are not published (publishing bias).
Meta-Analysis: „The majority of studies were at unclear risk of selection, performance, and reporting bias. The detection bias was high for self-reported outcomes.“
Vaccines, antidepressants and chemo-medication is not even tested in randomized placebo controlled trials, (purporting that would be unethical), making these studies useless.
Article: “Unfortunately, many aspects of ETF have not undergone rigorous evaluation, partly because ethical considerations make placebo controlled trials of any nutritional intervention difficult.”

Fresenius conducts randomized control studies, where they compare their own products which each other.
Study: “To our knowledge, no randomized placebo-controlled trial to date [10/2020] has been specifically designed to investigate the long-term effects of ONS on clinical and nutritional outcomes in community-dwelling older adults at risk of malnutrition.
The intervention product was an ONS with HMB, which contained 262 kcal, 10.5 g protein, 8.5 g fat, 34.2 g carbohydrate, 7.75 mcg (310 IU) Vitamin D3, and 0.74 g calcium HMB per serving (Abbott Nutrition, Singapore). Placebo supplement contained 60 kcal, 1.07 g protein, 1.21 g fat and 11.9 g carbohydrate per serving. Both products were vanilla flavored milk-based supplements and were packaged in identical single serving sachets for masking purpose.“
First of all, this trial is not blind, the participants can tell if it’s the watery placebo, or the calorie-dense ONS. Secondly, the placebo control is formula, too. So it only shows it’s possible to gain weight with formula (water retention?). Thirdly, 66,5% failed to achieve a weight gain of 5% with OPS, you can assume that a high percentage even lost weight during this trial.
With spoiled food you immediately feel the ill health effect. Formula nutrition affects your health over decades, the entirety of health damages can't be detected in a short-term study.
Study: “Weight change was not different between groups. Patients prescribed ONS were more frequently hospitalised.”
“A randomized control study design focuses on one factor, one outcome and generally one mechanism at a time. This is not nutrition; it is pharmacology. Such studies often create more confusion than clarification.”
Dr. Colin Campbell
34. Gastroparesis
Article: “Because of the delayed stomach emptying and prolonged colonic transit time found in the severe stages of anorexia nervosa, these patients often complain of abdominal bloating and constipation.“
Fresubin Contraindications: “Not suitable for patients with emergency operations or delayed gastric emptying.“
Nevertheless those with ED and gastroparesis are regularly prescribed formula drinks.
Reddit: “I was prescribed fortisip by my GP earlier this week. I don’t vomit too much at the moment as I’m managing the gastroparesis fairly well with diet, but as a result I’m not getting enough calories so losing a lot of weight, hence the fortisip prescription. Even though my anti-emetics normally work really well, within 15 mins of finishing the fortisip I vomit it all back up, plus everything I’ve eaten in the past 3 hours.“
35. Animal experiments
Scientists derive from animal experiments supplemental drinks generally induce weight gain, which is a fallacy because rats have a different physiology. This study only shows drinks like Fresubin are unnatural and lead to poor health.
Study: “Rats fed with liquid nutrition (Fresubin) showed increased energy intake and body weight in comparison with the control rats. Interestingly, while obesity in the juvenile rats developed as late as of 13 weeks after the Fresubin intake, the adult rats fed with liquid nutrition had significantly elevated the body weight already 2 weeks after starting the treatment.”
36. Parenteral Feeding (TPN)
Article: “TPN is a strange mixure of rather horrible corrosive chemicals which replace the normal nutritive output of the enteric circulation and the liver. It is the last resort among the choice of nutrition. In fact, in many cases it is better to starve than to eat though the vein. There are serious complications associated with TPN use. Furthermore, there are even more serious consequences associated with the use of too much TPN, and these are discussed in the. [...] You are, after all, infusing a couple of litres of fairly toxic chemicals into your patients bloodstream every 24 hours. This does not go unnoticed by their organ systems.”
Article: “Under-fives who had received intravenous fluid had seven times adjusted risk of mortality when compared to those who had not received intravenous fluids. […] 8 out of the 22 participants who received IV fluids died representing a case fatality of 36.4%. All these participants died within three days of receiving IV fluids further affirming a possible contribution of fluid overload to this mortality. [...]While Administration of intravenous fluids is still the main stay of managing severely malnourished children with shock, more research needs to be conducted...”
I myself was fed in intensive care this way and lost a lot of weight. A girl I got to know who had a rare polyneuropathy and couldn’t digest any food through her intestines. Neither she could maintain her weight by parenteral feeding and eventually starved to death while eating up to 6000 kcal a day which passed through her guts undigested.
Case report: “Two chronically malnourished but stable patients who were given aggressive total parenteral nutrition support, which was rapidly followed by acute cardiopulmonary decompensation associated with severe hypophosphatemia and other metabolic abnormalities. Despite attempts at correction, progressive multiple systems failure led to death.”
Article: “Most clinicians recognize that the initial weight gain associated with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is due to fluid retention, while the rapid weight loss occurring im- mediately upon termination of TPN results from diuresis of this fluid.”
Artikel: “White muscle disease in humans: myopathy caused by selenium deficiency in anorexia nervosa under long term total parenteral nutrition."
Study: “A previous study of short-term (average of 31 days) Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) patients indicated that they experienced hunger even though they received adequate calories for energy balance.”
37. COPD
Nutricia’s drink for COPD Respifor only differs from other nutritional drinks that it is lower in fat (20%) and that it contains lactose.
Article: “The more carbs you eat, these get converted to carbon dioxide [during digestion] and then you need to breathe more,” to expel that carbon dioxide. “In general, I think we should all eat less carbs, but definitely people with COPD need to eat less carbs,” she says. Therefore, liquid supplements that are high in fat and protein are generally preferable for underweight COPD patients than sugary supplements that are high in carbohydrates.“ Dr. Katina Nicolacakis, pulmonologist
Article: Excessive phlegm is a problem with COPD, and dairy products can create phlegm – so they should be avoided. These include milk and milk-derived products.
PULMOCARE® also contains only 20% fat and carrageenan, which has caused lung injuries in animal experiments.
38. High-caloric and complete nutrition
“High-caloric” and “complete” are like “low-fat” misleading and nonsensical labels used for marketing purposes. Compared to regular food 1.5-2.25 kcal is at best average in calorie-density. Fresubin 2.0 turned out to be too low in calorie, so Fresenius invented a new high caloric drink.
Fresubin® 3.2 kcal Drink “Increasing ONS from 3 to 5 per day caused nausea, which was thought to be due to the high volumes [1000 ml/day]required to meet nutritional needs.”
The false impression is conveyed, that weight-management is only about calories, and the only factor affecting the quantity of consumed calories would be the density, which is far from true. So called "complete" meals are actually more incomplete than e. g. a banana.
39. Immunonutrition
Another ludicrous invention was an 'immune-enhancing' formula (coincidently containing mRNA), which turned out to be even more lethal.
“Arginine containing immune-enhancing diet should enhancing diet should not be used in patients with sepsis and their benefit their benefit in other critically ill patients populations remains debatable.” Intensive Care Med 2003
“The addition of glutamine to standard enteral feeds and the use of feeds and the use of immunomodulatory formulas enhanced with glutamine appeared formulas enhanced with glutamine appeared to result in higher hospital mortality with little difference in secondary outcomes.” Saalwachter et al, JPEN 2004
A mother reported her autistic child to be living on supplemental drinks and never being sick which she took for good health. In fact it shows, that the immune system is turned off, which can be life-threatening.
40. Dialysis
Dialysis patients also suffer from loss of appetite. There are a number of studies that have attempted to show that formula drinks improve their nutritional status, but it is obvious how easily any desired studyresult can be achieved. The following circumstance makes it clear what it is about:
Article: “Peritoneal dialysis appears to be associated with 48% less mortality than hemodialysis [...] hemodialysis, despite rising costs, which rose from US$ 64,000 per patient in 2003 to US$ 82,285 in 2009. Over the same period, annual peritoneal dialysis (PD) costs per patient had risen from US$ 47,000 to US$ 61,588. However, in 2008 only about 6% of dialysis patients in the United States were on a PD modality.”
Article: “Patients may prefer peritoneal dialysis because of the freedom it offers and the fewer visits to a dialysis unit for treatment.”
In reality the frequency of medical treatments and hospital stays correlates with mortality.
41. Germophobia ... really?
Home-made tube-feeding formulae, made from whole foods with a blender, are usually not recommended although many patients report using them at least sometimes, and some practitioners claim they can help with particular conditions. Preparation can be timeconsuming, and many available recipes for such formulae are more likely to cause tube blockage and tube deterioration, are often not nutritionally complete, and pose a markedly increased risk of bacterial contamination. Meticulous attention to food safety and delivery technique is essential, and the risks and disadvantages should be noted carefully.
Ironically the same doctors that advise against blenderized tube feeding, are known for not washing their hands in the bathroom.
Article: “Physicians are often singled-out as a group with low rates of hand hygiene compliance. A classical study, for example, found that physicians had about half the rate of compliance when compared with nurses. One interpretation is that physicians are arrogant, sloppy, recalcitrant, incorrigible, inept or oblivious.“
Doctors' poor hygiene has a long history:
Between 1840 and 1846, the maternal mortality rate for the midwives’ ward was 36.2 per 1000 births, while the mortality rate for the doctors’ ward was 98.4 per 1000 births.
“The doctors attributed childbed fever, like cholera, to a "genus epidemicus" that was dependent on as yet unknown atmospheric, cosmic or "telluric", that is, earth-bound factors.”
Ignaz Semmelweis, who exposed the real cause for the prevalence of childbed fever was shunned by his colleagues and died under mysterious circumstances inside a psychiatric ward (cause of death: wound infection!)
“You can sit on any toilet without any risk, but avoid under all circumstances to shake hands with your doctor.” Dr. Frank Daschner, Professor for clinical hygiene
Today thousands of deaths by MRSA can be attributed to doctors not bothering about washing their hands.
42. Third World hunger
Article: “Insiders at Doctors Without Borders say Black and brown staffers get inferior medical care.”
For the first 3-7 days SAM children are given a low calorie low protein low sodium formula (F-75), which contains up to 100 g of sugar.
Article: “Severely malnourished children cannot tolerate normal amounts of protein and sodium or high amounts of fat. F-75 contains 75 kcal and 0.9 g protein per 100 ml.”
Article: “The critique argues that, in practice, the degree of oedema is overestimated by clinicians, particularly the inexperienced, and nowhere warrants a reduction in intake from 100 to 75 kcal/kg/d. Overestimation of oedema will lead to underfeeding, which may not necessarily contribute to increased mortality, but delays progress and recovery.”
Article: “F75 provides a high proportion of energy from carbohydrates, including sucrose, lactose and maltodextrin. However, malabsorption of different types of carbohydrates, but lactose in particular, is known to occur in SAM and may lead to osmotic diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is common in children with SAM and is associated with increased mortality. Furthermore, switching from a catabolic state to a high energy diet that consists of predominantly carbohydrates can lead to 're-feeding syndrome' that may lead to severe electrolyte abnormalities and multiple organ dysfunction.”
Article: „Smith (1963) noted that hyponatraemia [low sodium] was associated with a high mortality; and that therapeutic over-hydration is a potent cause of death in malnourished children.”

Article: “It's no wonder that RUTF is often referred to as a “miracle food.” A tasty, energy-packed paste made from peanuts, oil, sugar, milk powder and vitamin and mineral supplements, it is UNICEF's most effective tool for treating acute and severe malnutrition.”
Study: “Nineteen articles with a total number of 23,395 under-five children with SAM were used for this meta-analysis. The pooled recovery rate was 70%.“
Recovery rates? Or just survival with an extended period of mycotoxins in their livers to destroy any quality of life while not looking like poster kids for poverty?
“Plumpy'nut is not some secret formula - basically it's fortified Nutella.”
Mike Mellace, Mama Cares Foundation
Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food must deliver 520 to 550 kilocalories per 100 grams, including 10-12% protein. RUTF must contain 45-60% fat in the form of canola or soybean oil, a staple carbohydrate and 24 vitamins and minerals. It contains about 500 calories in a 92-gram foil package. Of these calories, one-quarter to one-third are from the added sugar. Canola's Erucic acid is a HEART TOXIN.
Article: “Ingesting oils containing erucic acid over time can lead to a heart condition called myocardial lipidosis.“
So you have fat kids with heart poisoning. Sugar feeds viruses. So, we have a population that don't look like skeletons with bloated abdomens so it meets the visual and statistical claims of recovery, but recovery into what? Carriers of diseases that have not and cannot be eliminated in the presence of SUGAR?
Article: “May cause complications such as diarrhoea, vomiting, fevers, swelling, rashes, hives, skin infections, and shortness of breath or shock. If these symptoms are present, the caregiver must stop giving Plumpy'Nut and take the child to the OTC or nearest health facility.”
The 'reactions' to plumpy nut seem like the classical signs of lactose intolerance that has plagued all of these industrial 'solutions'. Ghana and Malawi have lactose intolerance rates of 100%.
Article: “At US $70-200 per child cured, about half of which is for the product itself, CMAM costs several times more than per capita costs for preventing malnutrition through community-based approaches. One study found that, with respect to outcomes like diarrhoea and anaemia, adding RUSFs to an intervention package actually significantly lowered cost effectiveness. RUTF will not contribute to teaching the child to like the taste of the healthy local foods needed for him or her to avoid malnutrition in the future. Bangladeshi women found the taste to be unacceptable, thus it is clearly introducing and getting children used to a new taste. Peanuts are the food most commonly contaminated with aflatoxin, RUTF is also at risk of being contaminated with Cronobacter sakazakii.”
Peanuts might be superior to formula, but they are linked to a number of health issues:
Study: “Results to date on over 350 children studied show that aflatoxins occur more frequently and at higher concentrations in the sera of children with kwashiorkor than in children with marasmus or in normal children.”
Study: “Aflatoxicol, a metabolite of aflatoxin B1 was detected in serum in kwashiorkor and marasmic kwashiorkor but not in normally nourished children and only once in marasmus. Autopsy liver samples from West and Southern Africa have shown aflatoxins in all cases of kwashiorkor but not in marasmus.”
Article: “Peanuts contain almost no omega-3 fatty acids, having 5,000 times more omega-6 than omega-3.”
Article: “A nutritional supplement with an added omega 3 fatty acid can improve cognition in severely malnourished children, according to a US study. For half the children cognition is completely restored, but without low omega 6 plus DHA, severely malnourished children would be 10 IQ points below average.”
Additionally peanuts are high in lectins (an antinutrient) and commonly heavily sprayed with pesticides.
“Doctors Without Borders calls for increased use of nutrient dense ready-to-use food to save malnourished children's lives: Therapeutic RUF for only severely malnourished children, as current WHO, World Food Program, and UNICEF guidelines recommend, is too restrictive. Given its nutritional benefits, RUTF has the potential to address malnutrition at earlier stages.”
During my failing force-feeding, they suggested I have AIDS, too.
Article: “Some would still regard the 18% fatality rate from severe malnutrition at both hospitals during the study period as unacceptably high, considering the guidelines target mortality rates of 5-10%. [...] The primary cause of death in some cases was probably advanced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), in which case the deaths would not have been preventable.”
Study: “The reported mortality was as high as 20-30%. As per the WHO Diagnostic criteria for diagnosis and the International standard care of SAM, a cure rate of 75% with <10% mortality has been set as the minimum goal. Commercial Ready to use therapeutic food (RUTF) is suggested for management of cases SAM. However, many centres have reported a lesser cure rate and the difficulties in using the commercial RUTF.”
Article: “In April, World Food Program head David Beasley warned that the coronavirus economy would cause “global famines of biblical proportions” this year. There are different stages of what is known as food insecurity; famine is officially declared when, along with other measures, 30% of the population suffers from wasting.”
“Hunger is actually the worst weapon of mass destruction. It claims millions of victims each year.” - Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil, 2003-2011
Article: “Even severe acute malnutrition can be treated with local foods. The authors noted India's refusal to allow UNICEF to import commercial RUTFs in 2009. About 49 percent of the world's malnourished children live in India. The authors said: "For decades good Indian hospitals have successfully treated severe acute malnutrition with local foods, comparable to the sugar, casein, oil and milk commonly used in Africa.”
43. Euthanasia - back then and now

In the 2nd World War, Nazi doctors discovered a superior, unconspicuous way of euthanizing “useless eaters”:
“Dr. Hermann Pfannmüller lifted a toddler out of bed by the legs and explained: “It will take another two to three days for this one.”[...]
The starvation method, as Schmidt interpreted, offered the bureaucratically correct desk criminals the advantage of not being a murder in the classic sense. Selected people no longer died of poison or gas, but of metabolic intoxication and starvation tuberculosis. [...] After the war, the Munich jury court confirmed to Obermedizinalrat Pfannmüller that he was not a murderer in the classic sense.” DER SPIEGEL 49/1965
Pfannmüller served only a prison sentence of four years and didn't lose his license to practise. He wasn't punished for intentionally starving 440 children to death although it was well documented. According to historian Faulstich, more than 100,000 "useless eaters" where starved to death in Germany during the 2nd world war.
For decades after the war, forced sterilization and Nazi euthanasia crimes were not viewed as "typical Nazi injustice". “The experts took the position that the law for the prevention of genetically ill offspring was not a National Socialist injustice, but a measure implemented by the German medical profession with a great sense of responsibility for the benefit of the German people.” The "Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Offspring" was not repealed in Germany until 1994 when the German Bundestag classified it as a Nazi injustice, and in 1998 the decisions of the "hereditary health courts" were overturned.
60 years after the war, the German government tried to push artifical feeding on pretty much any vulnerable patient, who had any feeding or weight issues:
“[In 2005]the legislature had created a new legal basis in the Social Security Code for the prescribability of products for artificial nutrition. What was missing, however, was when and for what purpose this special food could be prescribed. [...] The Federal Committee endeavored to formulate the guideline on artificial nutrition as narrowly as possible. In the case of dementia, for example, a tube should no longer be prescribable.
But [the secretary of state for health] stopped this guideline. The Federal Ministry of Health calls for the introduction of a general indication for artificial nutrition for eating disorders. In the world, the spokesman raved about "a small, manageable group who no longer have much to expect from life" and "for whom they wanted to pay for the necessary food.” (Fussek, Schober 2008)

In what sense could a toxic, weight loss inducing concoction be ascribed as “necessary”?
In 2011 the official dietary guidelines for Anorexia nervosa (see screenshot) recommended five times to eat “low fat” and once to drink low calorie drinks, everything in a bold, underlined font. You also have to consider that those with anorexia usually have a morbid fear of fat.
44. Customer Experiences
“I bought this product primarily so that my child did not lose as much weight as is often the case after an operation. A weight loss of 7 kg within 14 days was terrifying - for a child, which had previously not even weighed 50 kg and it’s almost 1.60 m tall, it just looked terribly skinny in addition to being disfigured by the operating room and had no strength whatsoever!!! I’m just looking for "normal" products with a lot of calories changed (Greek yogurt etc.)”
“These formulas, because of their terrible ingredients, were making many children vomited excessively (many times per day), including my son, Bradley. Even for those that did not vomit while fed these formulas and appeared to be thriving on them, time was the real test. I have had a very large number of parents reach out to me with children who, after several years of being fed these formulas, had developed type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, renal problems, and more from these “gentle” formulas of “complete nutrition”.”
“My cancerous cousin literally starved to death with this stuff. It kept losing weight, not gaining weight.”
“My father was given a tube with fresubin where he produced a lot of mucus and within a very short time he got 2-3 pneumonia and ultimately died from it.“
“I had a circulatory collapse from Fresubin. And ended up on intensive surveillance. According to the doctors, it was too much.“
“I also had the experience ... my son lost almost 2 kilos ..... from 16 to 14 kilos .... I thought it couldn't be. I had already upped the calories but he couldn't take it anyway, complained a lot about stomach ache, vomited more often. Since I cook myself, he has reached his 16 kilos in no time, he is dazzling and no more complaints.”
“This was his first week on full tube feedings. He had three days of formula and then started vomiting all of it. He couldn’t tolerate it at all, just the smell made him sick. He is a tall guy, 240lbs. He lost 20 pounds in the last two weeks”
“The human body isn’t set up to digest the large amounts or corn syrup and other chemicals in traditional formulas. And while for some they have no choice as they can’t tolerate the real food options those are not the norm. Most are on formula because the doctors and nutritionists push formula because it’s easier for them and they get kickbacks from companies like nestle. We use nourish, the adult version would be liquid hope. It’s 100% all organic foods and our insurance covered it because it’s still complete nutrition.”
“The dieticians and hospitals have to advise against self-cooked tube food because the management usually has contracts with Nutricia. The manufacturers of the tubes themselves often have contracts with manufacturers of formula tube feeds or manufacture them themselves. Of course they say that you can only use synthetic food. I probed my daughter with only homemade food for almost 4 years, weight fit well, no vomiting etc. The probe did not dissolve either. In the beginning with tube food, she repeatedly vomitted, had indigestion all the time. would try it again and again with cooked and let nothing talk to me from the hospital staff.”
“It has caused physical pain and fatigue. Unfortunately, no weight gain either. Unfortunately not usable for me. I've been feeling much better since I dropped Fresubin.”
“They gave my mother a sewn in trach tube because they didn't believe she would live very long which then necessitated a naso gastric feeding tube which went into her lung which gave her pneumonia and also clogged her sinuses with formula which then necessitated suctioning which then caused damage to her eye and her sinus. Of course this was all brought on by a 'heart attack' which I now believe was simply dehydration which was untreated. When they did do IV fluid they deranged her electrolytes, which induced universal edema, which exacerbated her pneumonia and heart failure which necessitated a diuretic.She wrote on her little white board, "They are trying to kill me with experiments" which necessitated them giving her Xanax for her anxiety. I remember all this stuff with guilt for not knowing what I know now. Later when I learned that feeding people with tubes causes loads of problems for them, I wondered, why force them to eat? It is because they can. That is why they do everything.“
45. Ingredients
Maltodextrin: has an even higher glycemic index than table sugar and can cause diabetes. It suppresses the growth of good intestinal bacteria and encourages the growth of harmful ones. It can cause allergic reactions and in some cases is made from genetically modified products. It's an empty calorie and has no advantages over sugar other than being less sweet.
Canola oil: contains harmful trans fatty acids, free radicals, is highly refined, genetically modified (to a lower erucic acid content) and is heavily contaminated with pesticides and often rancid. One study found that canola oil shortens the life of stroke-prone rats with high blood pressure. Has an unfavorable omega-3 / omega-6 ratio. Omega-6 fatty acids are very inflammatory in the body.
Sodium Fluoride: Fluoride is officially classified as a neurotoxin. Fluorides are highly toxic and dangerous. There is no such thing as a safe dose. Side effects are: Allergies, hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, heart and circulatory diseases, strokes, thromboses, diseases of the bone system such as arthritis and osteoporosis, diseases of the liver and kidneys, muscle, joint, leg and back pain, rheumatic symptoms, acne and thyroid dysfunction. Fluoride can also cause malformations in unborn children. The symptoms are similar to thalidomide, harelip, goiter or cleft palate.
Article: "Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. "Both the Germans and the Russians added fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile.“
Ferric pyrophosphate is a water-insoluble Fe compound used to fortify infant cereals and chocolate-drink powders as it causes no organoleptic [taste, aroma, sight, color and texture] changes to the food vehicle. However, it is only of low absorption in man.
CDC: “Iron is the most common cause of pediatric poisoning deaths reported to poison control centers in the United States. During 1991, 5144 ingestions of iron supplements were reported to poison control centers in the United States; 11 were fatal. Ingestion of as few as five or six tablets of a high-potency preparation could be fatal for a 10-kg (22-lb) child.“
Article: “On day 28, animals were sacrificed and livers and spleens were removed. Hemoglobin and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) were determined. Results: Apparent iron absorption and % absorption/intake were significantly lower in rats consuming enriched cocoa compared to the control group, without significant differences due to the iron form.“ [Note that they talk of SACRIFICES in animal experiments, hinting at an occult background]
Article: Ferrous fumarate provided 2.4 times more absorbed iron than ferric pyrophosphate when consumed as such, and 5.2 times more absorbed iron when consumed with an inhibitory corn meal rich in phytate.
Side effects: “Blue-colored skin, bulging purple-colored veins that you can see through your skin; swelling in your arms, legs, or fingers; unusual bleeding or bruising, coughing up blood; a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out; fever; or pain or burning when you urinate. Headache, dizziness; swelling in your hands or feet; weakness, tiredness; muscle pain; feeling short of breath; or pain in your back, arms, or legs.”
Potassium iodide: When used inappropriately or unnecessarily, potassium iodide has the potential to cause very serious side effects such has abnormal heart rhythms, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, and electrolyte abnormalities.
Potassium chloride side effects: “Severe throat irritation, chest pain, trouble breathing, pain, burning, bruising, swelling, irritation, stomach bloating, severe vomiting, severe stomach pain, nausea, weakness, tingly feeling, chest pain, irregular heartbeats, loss of movement; or signs of stomach bleeding, bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; gas, stomach pain; or the appearance of a potassium chloride tablet in your stool.”
Magnesium oxide: “Results indicated relatively poor bioavailability of magnesium oxide (fractional absorption 4 per cent) but significantly higher and equivalent bioavailability of magnesium chloride, magnesium lactate and magnesium aspartate.”
Study: “An important cause for under diagnosis of deficiency is that serum magnesium, the most commonly used test, can be normal despite negative body stores.”
Side effects: “Rectal bleeding, coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds, bloody or tarry stools; or no bowel movement after using magnesium oxide as a laxative, diarrhea, upset stomach.”
Potassium Citrate: The most common possible adverse effects include digestive disorders such as gas, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Chromium Chloride is toxic and has negative effects on the reproductive system and can cause stomach problems, abnormal bleeding and ulcers.
Folic acid side effects: nausea, loss of appetite, gas, stomach pain, bitter or unpleasant taste in the mouth, confusion, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, depression, feeling upset or irritable.
Soy lecithin has been shown to be extremely estrogenic. That means it works like estrogen in the body and can cause hormonal imbalances. It probably comes from genetically modified soybeans.
Carrageenan side effects: “Inflammation bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, glucose intolerance, colon cancer, food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, tendonitis, chronic cholecystitis.”
Citric Acid side effects: “swelling, tingling, or numbness in your hands or feet; muscle twitching or pain, leg pain or cramps; unusual weakness, rapid and shallow breathing, fast or slow heart rate, dizziness, confusion, or mood changes; feeling restless, nervous, or irritable; black, bloody, or tarry stools; severe or ongoing diarrhea; or seizure (convulsions). nausea, or vomiting, stomach pain; mild or occasional diarrhea; or mild stomach pain.”
Phosphates side effects: “Confusion, convulsions (seizures), decrease in amount of urine or in frequency of urination, fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat, headache or dizziness, increased thirst, muscle cramps, numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in hands or feet, numbness or tingling around lips, shortness of breath or troubled breathing, swelling of feet or lower legs, tremor. unexplained anxiety, unusual tiredness or weakness, weakness or heaviness of legs, weight gain.”
Vitamin B5 (Panthothenate) side effects: “Severe skin rash and hives, Blistering and peeling of skin, Difficulty in breathing, Difficulty in swallowing, Hoarseness of voice, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea.“
Vitamin B6 (Pyroxidine) side effects: “Decreased folic acid, Decreased sensation, Headache, loss of appetite, Nausea, Numbness and tingling, Sensory nerve damage, Sleepiness, Stomach, pain, Unstable, gait, Vomiting.”
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin 12) contains cyanide.
Cellulose side effects: “Eye discomfort/irritation/redness, tearing, eye sensitivity to light, sticky eyelashes, temporary blurred vision, or eyelid swelling.”
46. For most critically ill patients, a ‘starvation diet’ seems just fine
Article: “Very little evidence guides nutrition in critical illness. Because of critically ill patients' catabolic state, and probably influenced by the normalization fallacy, nutrition practices often include efforts to provide daily calories in the 1,800 - 2,000 range. However, anorexia may be adaptive during illness (since it is common to multiple disease states); greater enterally infused volumes could precipitate gastric aspiration; and excess calories could generate oxidative stress.“
47. Conclusion
Formula is one of the big lies the great masses will more easily fall victim to. It's a weapon of mass destruction masquerading as therapeutic food. Every year millions of people die unnecessarily from formula. Artificial feeding is medically indicated in only very few cases. Most often it either leads to a premature, agonizing death or it delays a natural process of dying in an agonizing way. Tube feeding does not save any money. The lower spending on nursing staff benefits the profits of the medical industrial complex. For over thousand years, doctors didn't want to see their "panacea" mercury was not curing but poisoning their patients. Even now the medical profession is trying at all cost to prevent a paradigm shift.

48. Alternatives
Whole Story Meals would be the ideal alternative. Functional Formularies is a (suboptimal) organic brand for tube-feeding. Further below are a few healthy meal replacement brands.
Study: The incidence of diarrhea in patients with hypoalbuminemia due to acute or chronic malnutrition during enteral feeding
49. A reductionist paradigm in modern nutritional sciences
“In the era of ‘quantifying nutritionism’, running from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century, the focus of nutrition scientists was on discovering and quantifying the nutrients in foods and the nutritional requirements of bodies. The aim (…) was to identify the “protective” nutrients required for normal body functioning and growth, and particularly to prevent nutrient deficiency diseases. The era of “good-and-bad nutritionism” beginning in the 1960s was notable for the emergence of the novel idea of “good” and “bad” nutrients and for the emphasis on the need to avoid or reduce bad nutrients in particular. Negative dietary messages dominated this era, such as the low-fat campaign urging everyone to eat less fat. Dietary advice also shifted from the aim of preventing nutrient deficiencies to that of reducing the risk of chronic diseases, particularly heart disease. The present era of “functional nutritionism” began in the mid-1990s. Its distinctive feature is the rise of a more positive and targeted view of nutrients and foods as “functional” in relation to bodily health. Functional nutritionism also carries the expectation that particular nutrients, foods, and dietary patterns can enhance and optimize our state of health or particular bodily functions”. More fundamentally, one finds the origin of reductionism in René Descartes who viewed reality as the sum of components that could be divided into isolated entities, applying a mechanistic vision of the world. According to him, this decomposition and the resulting simplification would lead to the most appropriate explanation.
Before the reductionist paradigm, health was considered more holistically. Today, reductionism seems to have reached its limits as it has been pushed to its extremes in Western science. Reductionism impacts on nutritional sciences are more deleterious than beneficial ones and include threats to biodiversity and the environment, a sharp increase in the prevalence of obesity and diabetes worldwide, the destruction of food health potential through fractionation/refining and ingredient recombination and deterioration of animal well-being through animal agriculture.” By Anthony Fardet
In the year 2022, the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution and some apparent climate catastrophe has caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. Their food “Soylent Green” consists of various synthetic substances of unknown origin. Natural food is only available to the rich elite.
-Soylent Green (1973 sci-fi film). There’s a dark secret about Soylent (...is people).
In 2014 a meal replacement drink company called Soylent is being founded. It’s supposed to be a time-saving and nutritionally superior food, designed for human needs, without the unhealthy sugars, cholesterol and saturated fats. Soylent founder Rob Rhinehart's altruistic goal is to end world hunger. All the annoying cooking and money-wasting eating-out in restaurants would be made redundant. Long-time goal is to fit all daily nutritional needs into one pill.
Soylent is one of countless synthetic protein shakes that are recommended by health experts and heavily advertised for as the sustainable food of the future.
The belief system Soylent was based on is one that's fairly opposite to what most food-eaters believe, and that's the idea that "Natural isn't always best." Rhinehart says it starts from birth, and firmly believes that formula is a better option than breast milk, because of "safety control and completeness" reasons.
Fresh food, for example, isn't nearly as good as you might think (Rhinehart says). "... nutritionally speaking, canned vegetables are better than fresh ones because fresh ones are decaying. ... So it seems kind of backwards, I think, actually, to go for fresh. Why are these foods seen as healthy?"
Article: „Soylent hit the scene with a ridiculously and unfortunately, very successful Kickstarter. Soylent has since faced numerous recalls as Soylent drinkers have faced everything from digestive upset to grey diarrhea, all the way to hospitalization from aggressive vomiting due to one of their new products that was affectionately named “The Barf Bar”.“
“What was the inspiration for this? Did you see someone in a coma with a feeding tube, and you thought, 'I'll have what he's having?” Stephen Colbert
News headlines 2017: Canada Bans Soylent for Not Being Real Food

Deadly "predigested" proteins
In 1976, American doctor, Robert Linn, revealed his ominously named ‘Last Chance Diet’, which instructed desperate readers to eat nothing except, conveniently, his miracle weight-loss tonic, ‘Prolinn’. This curious concoction was brewed from ground animal bones, horns, hooves, and hides from slaughter-houses, before being treated with artificial flavours and colours. Prolinn provided a mere 400 calories per day, but was also nutrient-free. At least 60 people who tried the diet suffered sudden deaths.
Criminal corporations
Fresenius had to pay fine of $231,700.00 in 2019 for bribing clinic administrators and $250,000,000 for concealed side effects in 2016. That's just peanuts for the pharmaceutical industry, selling poison for gold.

Nutricia was the manufacturer of the supplemental drinks, I almost starved to death on. They know there's no future in formula food.

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